JMS on Usenet

May 2003

J. Michael Straczynski posts regularly on Usenet. This page provides quick links to his posts from May 2003, with a brief description of each. Unless otherwise stated, all messages are from

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30 May 2003

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS defends the integrity of journalists.

Re: Mark Twain autobiography
JMS doesn't plan to write an autobiography any time soon.

29 May 2003

Re: Mark Twain autobiography
JMS expects that most writers would only create one autobiography.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS challenges his debating opponents to provide an example of similar waste during the Clinton administration.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS cites inflated prices paid to Boeing as an example of waste in military spending.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS dicsusses the fact that Halliburton won its Iraqi oil contract without a competitive bid.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS cites several examples of domestic programs with funding cuts.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS argues about whether or not the defense budget has grown in recent years.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS quotes President Eisenhower's warning about excessive peacetime military spending.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS explains statistical surveys.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS isn't satisfied by evidence of Republican good will in Africa.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS discusses the U.S. defense budget.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS discusses Halliburton's contract to manage the Iraqi oil industry.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS continues the argument about sending tax dollars to corporations and rich people.

28 May 2003

Re: Mark Twain autobiography
JMS defines an autobiography.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS argues that Republicans have consistently cut funding to social and environmental programs.

27 May 2003

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS continues the debate about the distribution of tax dollars.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS questions the Bush Administration's use of his tax dollars.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS receives the previously requested source, but argues that the original claim is baseless.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS asks for a source for someone's claim.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS links to an article reporting on accusations that the Bush Administration considered war in Afghanistan before September 11, 2001.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS questions the United States' cordial relationships with several unsavory groups and governments.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS points out the contradiction in freely spending on defense while requiring justification for all social spending.

26 May 2003

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS maintains that there is no evidence of a link between Iraq and the 9/11 attacks.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS continues to challenge for supporting facts in the New York Times discussion.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS discusses socialized medicine.

25 May 2003

Re: PREVIEWS: Stuff of Interest - August 2003 Scheduled
JMS reveals that there are administrative issues between himself and Top Cow that are delaying Rising Stars.

Re: ATTN JMS S2 commentary comment
JMS praises Mark Twain.

Re: ATTN JMS Re: S2 commentary comment
JMS has deliberately destroyed all of his working notes from Babylon 5 so that only the finished product remains.

Re: ATTN JMS S2 commentary comment
JMS says the Babylon 5 quote book should be released in a few months.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS criticizes the Bush administration's behavior regarding its report to the UN on Iraqi weapons of mass destruction.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS continues the discussion of whether or not it is right for certain countries to intervene in the affairs of others.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS discusses whether Iraq was in compliance with UN weapon limitations.

24 May 2003

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS explains his opposition to using uninvited force to change the Middle East.

Re: JMS: How many words?
JMS enjoys the occasional grammatically correct run-on sentence.

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS requests someone to back up his or her criticism of the New York Times.

Re: ATTN JMS S2 commentary comment
JMS reveals how much work he put into the philosophy of Babylon 5.

18 May 2003

Re: And So It Begins...
JMS discusses the intent of the Iraqi War.

15 May 2003

Re: Supreme Power
JMS gives permission to repost his previous message.

Re: Supreme Power
JMS says that Marvel Comics moved the debut of Supreme Power to 6 August 2003.

08 May 2003

Re: JMS: A Thank You.. and a brief question
JMS explains how Martin Sheen came to appear in The River of Souls.

04 May 2003

Re: JMS: Spidey comments.
JMS responds to praise for Amazing Spider-Man.

Re: cool b5 article
JMS discusses a description of himself in the UPI article.

Re: Attn JMS: Perhaps before asked question about writing
JMS describes how he visualizes an entire scene before writing it down.

03 May 2003

cool b5 article
JMS links to a very flattering article about Babylon 5 that ran on UPI.

Re: ATTN: JMS Widescreen Takes and Fullscreen Takes Different?
JMS squashes a rumor about Babylon 5 filming practices.

01 May 2003

Re: ATTN JMS: Bloopers on DVD
JMS explains the difficulty of releasing blooper videos commercially.

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